Spot on analysis! Washington, puppeteered by the deep state, wants war in Europe and this is cheered by especially the immensely stupid puppeteered European leaders in Scandinavia, France and Germany. We, the people, are lost with such kakistocracies. And thanks to Western propaganda most people are ignorant to the history and believe the lies told by NATO, the EU and Washington. We are no longer served by our governments. Our voting system is a disgrace. I myself no longer believe in the good intentions of my country's government. I feel it's my duty to step out of the community because if I stay within it, I can be charged by an international jurisdiction (like the Nürnberg Trial) as an accomplice. Question is, how to step out?
Agree. It would benefit everyone. Russia for its security. Europe so cannot claim any "Russian threat". Those countries, because it allows them to freely cooperate with both Europe, the USA and Russia, to their max advantage.
Insightful analysis about how Russia views the territories on its borders. I won't call them nations or states, as they've put their own status at great risk.
Buffer zones are for pussies. Somehow, Russia needs to demand, ensure, whatever, that EVERY NEOLIBERAL, PRO-EU PERSON IS PURGED FROM POWER IN UKRAINE. Every single fucking one with NO goddamn exceptions for rich people or family or relatives. NO EXCEPTIONS. If that condition is not met and verification and intervention processes enabled along with it, the slaughter of ukrainian dumbasses continues.
Russia MUST be very hard in this situation and TRUST NOONE - not Trump, Vance, or certainly not any EU "leader". Russia does not need to negotiate anything. She holds all of the trumps.
Really great article, well written, concise and straight to the point.
To me the reasons of this war were clear since before it started. It was obvious that sooner or later this would happen, given the policy of both the West and of Ukraine.
While professor Tunander cannot understand why the governments in north Europe chose this kind of policy toward Russia, it is clear why the US government chose his policy. It is strictly adherent to structural principles of international relations, and the professor explained in few words all this very well when he referred to the different military thinking between the US and Russia - and the USSR before. Similarly it is very difficult for me to understand why the European elites chose their policies toward Russia. I can only explain this counterproductive and self-destructive policies with two main factors: 1) Russophobia and 2) ideological subjugation of the elites to the US interests. The two factors are both complementary or can work in an exclusive way. Russophobia pervades the elites in the UK, in the three Baltics, Poland, Czechia and perhaps France. We shall include also the Nordic countries at this point, when they have thrown the mask of neutrality or moderation. Russophobia is a powerful ideological force and I would not discount it in the case of the Nordic countries. Plus, there is a parallel ideological struggle between the supposed "Western values" of liberal nature, and those that are supposedly represented by presidente Putin, which are traditional. In the western public discourse, the two have become strictly intertwined and almost indistinguishable. This is because of the messianic and crusader fig leave that clocks all Western foreign policy. This is one of the reasons why Putin and Russia are vilified and demonised, even hitlerised in the media and by the ignorant Western elites.
However, there are also countries where Russophobia has much less hold. It is the case of Italy, maybe Spain or Portugal. Here, I cannot imagine Russophobia as a determinant force, at best ancillary to what are perceived the duties that the client states owe to their American Master. However, even here Russophobia plays an important role, as it is present in the meda and in a certain factions of the elites. Possibly, these hints of Russophobia are due to the arbitrary and outdated association between the USSR and communism with present Russia. However, elites are not as monolithically russophobic as in the previously mentioned countries.
In sum, ideology blinds and impede political elites to correctly assess the true national interest. On the other hand, political-ideological-cultural subjugation makes it practically impossible to pursue any national interest, because decision-makers are there to serve other interests.
Spot on analysis! Washington, puppeteered by the deep state, wants war in Europe and this is cheered by especially the immensely stupid puppeteered European leaders in Scandinavia, France and Germany. We, the people, are lost with such kakistocracies. And thanks to Western propaganda most people are ignorant to the history and believe the lies told by NATO, the EU and Washington. We are no longer served by our governments. Our voting system is a disgrace. I myself no longer believe in the good intentions of my country's government. I feel it's my duty to step out of the community because if I stay within it, I can be charged by an international jurisdiction (like the Nürnberg Trial) as an accomplice. Question is, how to step out?
Kakistocracy…. You’re also a Jan oberg fan I see
Well, apart from Ukraine, I think it would fair that Russia demands a neutral Eastern Europe so that it is not threatened.
Agree. It would benefit everyone. Russia for its security. Europe so cannot claim any "Russian threat". Those countries, because it allows them to freely cooperate with both Europe, the USA and Russia, to their max advantage.
Insightful analysis about how Russia views the territories on its borders. I won't call them nations or states, as they've put their own status at great risk.
Buffer zones are for pussies. Somehow, Russia needs to demand, ensure, whatever, that EVERY NEOLIBERAL, PRO-EU PERSON IS PURGED FROM POWER IN UKRAINE. Every single fucking one with NO goddamn exceptions for rich people or family or relatives. NO EXCEPTIONS. If that condition is not met and verification and intervention processes enabled along with it, the slaughter of ukrainian dumbasses continues.
Russia MUST be very hard in this situation and TRUST NOONE - not Trump, Vance, or certainly not any EU "leader". Russia does not need to negotiate anything. She holds all of the trumps.
Really great article, well written, concise and straight to the point.
To me the reasons of this war were clear since before it started. It was obvious that sooner or later this would happen, given the policy of both the West and of Ukraine.
While professor Tunander cannot understand why the governments in north Europe chose this kind of policy toward Russia, it is clear why the US government chose his policy. It is strictly adherent to structural principles of international relations, and the professor explained in few words all this very well when he referred to the different military thinking between the US and Russia - and the USSR before. Similarly it is very difficult for me to understand why the European elites chose their policies toward Russia. I can only explain this counterproductive and self-destructive policies with two main factors: 1) Russophobia and 2) ideological subjugation of the elites to the US interests. The two factors are both complementary or can work in an exclusive way. Russophobia pervades the elites in the UK, in the three Baltics, Poland, Czechia and perhaps France. We shall include also the Nordic countries at this point, when they have thrown the mask of neutrality or moderation. Russophobia is a powerful ideological force and I would not discount it in the case of the Nordic countries. Plus, there is a parallel ideological struggle between the supposed "Western values" of liberal nature, and those that are supposedly represented by presidente Putin, which are traditional. In the western public discourse, the two have become strictly intertwined and almost indistinguishable. This is because of the messianic and crusader fig leave that clocks all Western foreign policy. This is one of the reasons why Putin and Russia are vilified and demonised, even hitlerised in the media and by the ignorant Western elites.
However, there are also countries where Russophobia has much less hold. It is the case of Italy, maybe Spain or Portugal. Here, I cannot imagine Russophobia as a determinant force, at best ancillary to what are perceived the duties that the client states owe to their American Master. However, even here Russophobia plays an important role, as it is present in the meda and in a certain factions of the elites. Possibly, these hints of Russophobia are due to the arbitrary and outdated association between the USSR and communism with present Russia. However, elites are not as monolithically russophobic as in the previously mentioned countries.
In sum, ideology blinds and impede political elites to correctly assess the true national interest. On the other hand, political-ideological-cultural subjugation makes it practically impossible to pursue any national interest, because decision-makers are there to serve other interests.
Thank you for sharing this, well said,very important with clear words