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Amazing article as always! Enlightening. Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing this article

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Very well written article from a country which seems to be the closest ally of the United States, having Jens Stoltenberg as the leader of NATO. Norway, which supported the Americans in the sabotage of the Nordstream gaspipes. I am still waiting for a whistleblower to end the speculations on this mystery which is not a mystery. But we need a brave person who was involved in the operation like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange. You are asking such a whistleblower to offer his life, which of course is not something you easily do.

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Brilliant, concise and accurate summary. My Q is how/why 99% of US/European media went along with the US/EU authorities's narrative: full scale, unprovoked invasion, UA will win any day with enough weapons, RU evil, UA good etc? (Only theory I can come up with is European elite was so scared by Trump and his possible return, they won't do anything to question the talking points).

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